Staff of KeliRo have been very involved in responding to government policy, informing constituents on impacts on agriculture, food, bio-economy and health developments, Below are links to videos, articles and submissions to the government written or co-written by the CEO of KeliRo Company Inc.
Commercializing Agricultural Innovation OCE Panel
Life Sciences Ontario Volunteer of the Year 2012
Commercializing Innovation: Push or Pull?
From “The Grower”
A great opportunity to connect and see what’s new
Water push and pull: essential for success
Electricity pricing and competitiveness
From seeds to harvest to seeds again
Are you blue or are you seeing red?
Making use of the tools of the trade
Reflections of the past, visions of the future
Government Consultations
RESPONSE TO: Regulations for The Ontario Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act (2016)
RESPONSE TO: The Ontario Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act (2016)
RESPONSE TO: Bill 151: Waste Free Ontario Act
RESPONSE TO: Ontario Cap & Trade Design Options
RESPONSE TO: Wetland Conservation in Ontario
RESPONSE TO: Conservation Authorities Act Discussion Paper
RESPONSE TO: Ontario Co-ordinated Land Use Policy
RESPONSE TO: Ontario Regulatory Response to Protect Pollinators
RESPONSE TO: Ontario’s Climate Change Action Paper
RESPONSE TO: Resolving the Ontario Pollinator Issue
Delhi Research Station: Situational Analysis, Options Analysis, Business Model Analysis
Erie Innovation and Commercialization and Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) Biomass Business Case Report
Accessing the Marketplace: Development of an Optimal Food Distribution Model for the South Central Ontario Region
Development of a Regional Strategy for Erie Innovation and Commercialization and the South Central Ontario Region